Turkey Vultures dine on Prairie Dog carrion

One for #TBT going to May 2015. While out and about on a photo drive, my son and I spotted six of these birds circling and heading west. The Turkey Vultures disappeared from our sight but we ended up finding them again dining on Prairie Dog carrion in a field. We spent an hour watching them as they took turns picking apart their meal.

The case could certainly be made that these are some of the ugliest birds in the world – my son certainly thinks so. While certainly not pretty, I tend to think they are kind of neat. These birds have left the area for the winter but I would expect to start seeing them again in a couple of months.

Turkey Vultures in Longmont, Colorado, dine on carrion. (© Tony’s Takes)
Turkey Vultures in Longmont, Colorado, dine on carrion. (© Tony’s Takes)

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