Watchful White-tailed buck in a white, wintry scene

Fresh snow had fallen and coated the entire landscape in white. Temperatures were approaching single digits making me stay in my truck rather than hike around. The good thing on this day in November was that the deer didn’t mind the cold and were quite active.

This White-tailed Deer buck was out for a morning stroll, keeping his eye on a couple of does nearby. As the sun came up and bathed everything in golden light, he decided to cast a glance toward me, giving me this nice image.

White-tailed Deer are North America’s smallest deer with bucks averaging around 100 pounds. This guy was probably right about that, perhaps a bit heavier.

A White-tailed Deer buck stands in a landscape freshly coated in snow. (© Tony’s Takes)
A White-tailed Deer buck stands in a landscape freshly coated in snow. (© Tony’s Takes)

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