Wood duck out for a walk

Wood duck out for a walk

A wood duck out for a walk in Littleton, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A wood duck out for a walk in Littleton, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

There are few ducks more beautiful than these guys. The wood duck drake is extraordinarily colored and arguably the most colorful bird we see here in Colorado.

They are not as common as other ducks here and they are, generally, a bit skittish. However, there is a suburban park south of Denver where they are known to hang out and they have become quite accustomed to people.

I stopped by yesterday on my way home from my photo shoot and paid them a quick visit. Most of them were content to sleep on a little island in the pond but this guy came out and went for a walk giving me some nice pics.

A wood duck out for a walk in Littleton, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A wood duck out for a walk in Littleton, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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