Young Bald Eagle flies by Old Glory

I thought my photo day was done as it was getting to be late morning and clouds had moved in creating poor light conditions. On the drive home I spot a very large landing on a pole a ways away and of course had to go investigate. As I get closer I find a juvenile Bald Eagle that had caught what appeared to be a Prairie Dog.

The eagle didn’t really want me to watch it eat so it soon departed but gave me a nice flyby as it did. Lighting was pretty cruddy though so the pic isn’t the greatest but the two subjects are just awesome.

Certainly it would be a dream come true to get something similar in perfect light with an adult flying by. Perhaps someday. Taken in Adams County, Colorado.

A juvenile Bald Eagle flies by the American Flag.  (© Tony’s Takes)
A juvenile Bald Eagle flies by the American Flag. (© Tony’s Takes)

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