Young Bald Eagle patrols for Freedom Friday

A very fun, but brief, encounter with this juvenile yesterday while I was in Cheyenne, Wyoming for business. The folks up there mentioned that a Bald Eagle had been hanging out at a suburban park this week garnering quite a lot of interest.

You can guess where I chose to go for my lunch. 😉

Sure enough, the eagle was hanging out in the trees around the pond. However, it was being incessantly pestered by a crow that didn’t care for its presence and as a result, it never sat still for long. It did give me a couple of nice flybys though including this image when it flew right overhead.

He / she is probably about three years old, maybe a bit older. It is developing that distinctive white head but its beak has not transitioned to bright yellow.

A young Bald Eagle patrols the skies over Cheyenne, Wyoming. (© Tony’s Takes)
A young Bald Eagle patrols the skies over Cheyenne, Wyoming. (© Tony’s Takes)

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