Red fox vixen standing watch for Fox Friday
Now she was one foxy fox to say the least! I spent a few days with her and the rest of her clan in Colorado’s high country this past spring.…
Now she was one foxy fox to say the least! I spent a few days with her and the rest of her clan in Colorado’s high country this past spring.…
Catching fish isn’t easy and you certainly don’t want to do anything to disturb them and run them off. That seemed to be the tactic this pretty egret was taking…
A quick flyover of my home just a bit ago. This CH-47D Chinook is operated by a private company contracted to fight wildfires. None are anywhere near my home but…
A bit of serendipity to have been in the right spot to frame the rising sun between these two trees northeast of Denver, Colorado this past Saturday. The sunrise was…
A throwback to the end of May when this pretty mare, her foal and two other horses paid a visit to this watering hole in Sand Wash Basin. She was…
These guys are just so cool and have such a unique look to them. I've only been able to photograph them a handful of times, twice in the wild and…