Sunrise at the old farmstead

Sunrise at the old farmstead
The sun bursts through the clouds at sunrise behind an old farmstead on the Colorado plains. (Tony’s Takes)

I have been reminded that while this image appeared in my “top shot” landscapes video at the end of the year, I never shared the image itself. So… Here you go. 😉 

Taken at the end of June last year in Logan County, Colorado. My family and I were camping at a state park on the northeastern plains and as usual, I headed out for a morning photo drive while they got their beauty sleep.

I was planning to be in this spot right as the sun popped over the horizon but on the way got distracted by critters (as usual). It all worked out well though as when I did arrive, the sun was just above distant clouds and its golden light bathed everything in gold. Above, popcorn-like clouds with some of that beautiful Colorado blue.

I always say, the plains of Colorado offer up the best sunrises and sunsets in the state – and this is just another example.

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