Bald eagle nails the catch
And this is why I take a longer route than needed coming home from work. ;-) Recent months I haven’t found much exciting on my drives home from work but…
And this is why I take a longer route than needed coming home from work. ;-) Recent months I haven’t found much exciting on my drives home from work but…
An American badger cub hunkers down at its home, hopeful that the photographer didn't see it. Clearly I did! I have recently been organizing some older photos and came across…
I caught this pretty white-tailed deer doe and her yearling off guard this past weekend. I was in my usual hiding spot, pretty well concealed as I monitored a bald…
We have been hearing a pair of great horned owls in our neighborhood for weeks. Only twice have I gotten a shadowy glimpse of them. Recently, leaving the house for…
That is what I imagined this beautiful osprey was thinking yesterday as it seemed to be a bit annoyed with me. ;-) Knowing these awesome raptors were returning to the…
It isn’t often that I take pics of smaller birds but if an easy opportunity presents itself, I will take advantage of it. My friend spotted this handsome fellow today…