Amber colored mountainside in Rocky Mountain National Park

It was a typically gorgeous Colorado day this past Saturday and perfect for photography, wildlife viewing and fall foliage. With clear, blue skies above, Hallett Peak (left), elevation 12,720 ft, and Flattop Mountain (right), 12,324′, looked as rugged as ever. Below timberline on their slopes and on those of nearby mountains the aspen were radiant in fall gold.

Hallett Peak (left), elevation 12,720 ft, and Flattop Mountain (right), 12,324', looked as rugged as ever with golden aspen trees below. (© Tony’s Takes)
Hallett Peak (left), elevation 12,720 ft, and Flattop Mountain (right), 12,324′, looked as rugged as ever with golden aspen trees below. (© Tony’s Takes)

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