Love and the Milky Way

Taking pictures of the Milky Way is not something I really have the gear for (too slow of lens) but it is still fun to try every now and then.

While camping in the Colorado high country my son and I headed out in the evening for a few captures. We should have waited till later as there was a bit too much ambient light so my son had the idea to have some fun with light painting while we were out there. He did very well (much better than when I tried to spell it out) and my wife loves the image!

How is this done? Getting pictures of the Milky Way requires the lens to be open a long time – 20 seconds in this case. That allowed my son to stand in front and then use a flashlight pointed toward the camera to spell out the words.

The glow in the lower left part of the image is the lights of the city of Boulder. Taken in Roosevelt National Forest.

'Love' spelled out using light painting while taking pictures of the Milky Way.  (© Tony’s Takes)
‘Love’ spelled out using light painting while taking pictures of the Milky Way. (© Tony’s Takes)

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