Starry skies over Eleven Mile State Park – and a few too many clouds

Starry skies over Eleven Mile State Park – and a few too many clouds

Stars try to shine through the early morning cloud cover at Eleven Mile State Park in Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
Stars try to shine through the early morning cloud cover at Eleven Mile State Park in Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

I visited this awesome Colorado park this past weekend for the first time since I was probably only thigh-high to an adult. It was a great visit getting away from the city and signifies the start of my camping season in earnest.

One of my big goals for the weekend was Milky Way photography. Well, Mother Nature had other plans. I set my alarm, crawled out of the warm comfort of my sleeping bag at 3:00am, emerged to 38 degrees and… Clouds! Being a sailor, you can imagine I used a few “colorful metaphors.” 😀

Nevertheless, I was awake so figured I might as well snap some pics. In between the cirrus clouds you could get a hint of the brilliant display of stars that you can see once you get away from population and lights.

I didn’t get the images I wanted but I did appreciate the quiet and solitude standing on the shoreline of the lake without another person in sight.

Stars try to shine through the early morning cloud cover at Eleven Mile State Park in Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
Stars try to shine through the early morning cloud cover at Eleven Mile State Park in Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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