Bald Eagle brings home bunny for breakfast for Freedom Friday

Here on the plains of Colorado, there aren’t a lot of bodies of water so Bald Eagles don’t have easy access to their preferred meal of fish. However, there is no shortage of substitutes with rabbits and prairie dogs making up the difference.

While observing this nest in Jefferson County recently, I saw the male dive to the ground at something. I wasn’t able to get into position to get the actual snag of its prey but the eagle did land on a branch and pose with it for a moment. It then took the meal to the nest for its mate which after a while appeared to feed it to little ones.

I’ll be heading back to this spot this weekend and hoping I can finally see the eaglets that I am certain are there.

Scroll down to view the complete sequence.

A Bald Eagle returns to its nest with a rabbit meal for its mate. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Bald Eagle returns to its nest with a rabbit meal for its mate. (© Tony’s Takes)

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