Bald eagle deploys the air brakes for landing

Bald eagle deploys the air brakes for landing
A bald eagle banks hard and prepares to land on a frozen pond in Thornton, Colorado. (Tony’s Takes)

Well, this was an awesome encounter this week. Driving home from work I was, of course, on the lookout for anything interesting to photograph. At a suburban pond I spotted two adult bald eagles on the ice and one juvenile in a nearby tree. The situation of course required a photo stop and it was well worth it.

For more than an hour, until the light was gone, I sat next to a busy roadway photographing the trio. The adults were quite active as it appeared there had been a die off of the fish in the pond and many were frozen in the ice. With somewhat warm temperatures, the top layer of the ice was slushy so the eagles would land and dig in the ice to nab the little fish.

Here, the male comes in for a landing after spotting a potential meal. The low, soft sunlight really lit up the bird beautifully. The only bummer was that it was a private pond so I had to keep my distance from the action requiring a heavy crop on the images. Still, what a fun way to wrap up the work day!

Hope you all have a great weekend!

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