Sweat bee up close and personal

Sweat bee up close and personal

A sweat bee works on a flower in Colorado. (© Tony's Takes)
A sweat bee works on a flower in Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

Holy cow! Check out this little green dude. I was out taking pictures in my wife’s flower garden, mainly focusing on “normal” bees. This one landed on a flower next to where I was shooting and its neon green coloring quickly got my attention.

Honestly, I don’t think I have ever noticed them before and to me, it looks more like a wasp or hornet with that big tail.

Anyway, doing some research I learned it is a “metallic green sweat bee”, common in the Western Hemisphere. They build their nests in the ground and are an important pollinator. They get their name because they are sometimes drawn to sweat but they present no more of a threat than most bees.

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