Bald eagle flyby against the perfect sky

Bald eagle flyby against the perfect sky
A female bald eagle performs a picture-perfect flyby in Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

Colorado is famous for its sunshine and blue skies and while I absolutely love them, they don’t always make for the best photo background.

Clouds help to add interest to an image and can really make the shot, particularly with birds in flight. An image of a bird with nothing but blue around it is nice but throw in some light clouds and it takes the capture up another notch. Such is the case with this image taken last weekend.

I was observing a beautiful pair of bald eagles. The male departed, going down the back side of the tree preventing any shots. The female however was far kinder to the photographer, giving me a picture perfect flyby. Best of all, those famous blue, Colorado skies had some thin clouds in them, helping to really make the shot and making it worthy of this Freedom Friday.

I wish you all a fantastic TGIF and weekend!

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