Bald eagle performs a picture-perfect flyby while working on its nest

Bald eagle performs a picture-perfect flyby while working on its nest
A male bald eagle prepares to deliver a stick to its nest in Colorado. (Tony’s Takes)

This is the male of the bald eagle pair I shared a pic of a couple of days ago. While mama was busy eating, dad worked hard on prepping the family home for little eaglets that hopefully will come along in a couple of months.

Here, he brought back a stick to add to the home, giving me a nice flyby in the process. It really does a nice a nice job showcasing his 6+ foot wingspan.

I would expect sometime over the next week or two she will lay eggs. After 35 days of incubation, if all goes well, little ones will emerge. It will be some weeks after that though before they are big enough to see above the rim of the nest.

This time of year is always exciting and a bit stressful as I hope and pray for success at these nests. Last year was tough as this nest failed as did the other I closely watch. The recovery the bald eagle has made from the brink of extinction is extraordinary but they have quite a long ways to go and this is when the groundwork is laid for future generations.

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