Bald eagle takes a dive

Bald eagle takes a dive

A bald eagle dives off its nest into the air along the South Platte River. (© Tony’s Takes)
A bald eagle dives off its nest into the air along the South Platte River. (© Tony’s Takes)

Is it spring yet? This time of year my favorite photo subjects are not very numerous and I start going through withdrawals. It seems like it has been months since I had a quality photo session with any eagles so I find myself flipping through images from earlier this year.

This particular one, taken at the first of April, is one of a mated pair of bald eagles with a nest not far from where I live. On this day, their little one would have hatched but remained out of sight. The parents were busy with nest maintenance and taking care of the eaglet. Here, one of them departs the nest and heads out on a fishing trip.

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