Beautiful bald eagle leaps into action for Freedom Friday

Beautiful bald eagle leaps into action for Freedom Friday
A female bald eagle leaps from her nest in Adams County, Colorado. (Tony’s Takes)

A very welcome opportunity to get reacquainted with some old friends this past Sunday. My morning photo excursion had pretty much been a dud with few pictures taken. As I was about to give up and head for home, I decided to hike in and check on my local bald eagle nest.

Much to my surprise, the happy couple was hanging out at home. I sat down in my little hiding spot and observed them. Initially, there wasn’t a lot to see as they just pretty much sat around. After about an hour, the male decided it was time to stretch his wings and took off.

I, being the dumb one that I am, had my face in my phone and totally missed his departure. However, I knew the female would likely follow and sure enough, she did, leaping off the side of the nest and into the air. I captured a nice sequence of her as she departed, this being one of the captures. The light wasn’t the best but the action was awesome and, well, she is just beautiful and impressive to say the least.

Within the next few weeks, if all goes well, they will have eggs in that nest and then 35 days later, hatchlings. For those that have followed me for a while, you may recall that this nest failed last year.

Not long after incubation had started, a third bald eagle would come by and routinely hassle this pair. While I don’t know for a fact, I suspect that led to the eggs’ failure as when that intruder would come, the female would hop off the eggs and stay off for quite a while. The eggs can endure exposure to the cold air for brief periods of time but not repeated, longer exposures. I am hopeful they have better luck this year.

Have a great weekend and TGIF!

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