Big moose, bigger mountain

Big moose, bigger mountain

A bull moose stands in the waters of Sprague Lake in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A bull moose stands in the waters of Sprague Lake in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

A moose bull in the waters of Sprague Lake in Rocky Mountain National Park. In the background, the impressive Hallett Peak towering above.

A fun shot that I grabbed ‘on the run’ last week. As you are looking at the image, my daughter and I were initially directly to the left, not far from the bull. As the sun rose, it was apparent we needed to be on the other side for the best light so we high-tailed it around the lake to get into position.

As we were relocating, I looked to make sure the moose was still in the lake and I saw this scene. Quickly I threw up the camera and took the shot hoping it would be a decent one.

In hindsight, I wish I had slowed down and taken more time to compose it and taken some different variations as it is kind of a neat scene. Nevertheless, I am glad to have gotten this one at least.

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