Bighorn Sheep lamb hams it up for its portrait

Just like a human child, young animals sometimes seem to revel in having their picture taken. Such was the case with this little lamb in the foothills southwest of Denver, Colorado recently.

While most of the herd ignored me, this one seemed to almost be begging to have its picture taken and of course I was happy to oblige.

Found across much of western North America, Bighorn Sheep are adept mountain climbers, best known for the male ram’s monstrous horns. While the animals are social, rams and ewes typically only meet during mating season. The young are kept on high ledges to help protect them from predators.

A Bighorn Sheep lamb seems to smile as its picture is taken.  (© Tony’s Takes)
A Bighorn Sheep lamb seems to smile as its picture is taken. (© Tony’s Takes)

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