Black Bear casts a wary eye

This beautiful bear was quite comfortable with my son and I as we photographed it grazing in Jasper National Park in Alberta, Canada back in June. That isn’t to say though that it wasn’t wary and cautious of us despite us keeping a very healthy distance from it. In fact it was abundantly clear that while it was tolerating our presence, it was also keeping close watch on us.

Here, it was moving from one grazing location to another and cast a deliberate glance right at us as if to say, “Yes, I know you are there.”

Common across many parts of North America, Black Bears can be up to 6 feet long and weigh up to 600 pounds. While they typically eat grasses, roots and berries, they have adapted to human presence and are known for taking advantage of trash and other sources left behind by humans.

Black Bear casts a wary eye
A Black Bear keeps close watch as it crosses the road in Jasper National Park. (© Tony’s Takes)

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