Black Bear on a stroll through the spring grass

I have been quite fortunate on my few visits to Yellowstone National Park in having seen multiple Black Bears on each trip. Oftentimes the view is fleeting though and pictures less than stellar. Last Sunday however the stars aligned and I was able to get some great pictures of this Ursus Americanus.

While the morning had yielded many worthwhile photo subjects, none were a bear and I was getting discouraged and frustrated. As we worked our way toward the Tower-Roosevelt area, I was however hopeful as in the past we had good luck there. Sure enough, we round a corner to see a hulking, black form among the tall grass not far from the road.

Having a feel for the direction it was heading and wanting to give it a wide berth and not disturb it, we went past it a good way and pulled over. I didn’t have a good view of the bear initially but I knew the angle I wanted and was hoping it would continue on the path I anticipated. I crouched down, pointed my camera and then waited.

Sure enough, here it came, emerging from the tall grass, walking along and occasionally grabbing a mouthful of foliage for a morning snack. I got a number of good captures of it but this is by far my favorite. I love the low, head-on perspective and the eyes of the bear really look great.

Image available for purchase here.

Black Bear on a stroll through the spring grass
An American Black Bear walks through the grass in the Tower-Roosevelt area of Yellowstone National Park. (© Tony’s Takes)


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