I always call Fridays that I share a bald eagle pic “Freedom Friday.” This Friday is also Patriot Day, the 19th anniversary of 9/11, making that all the more significant and a reminder that they aren’t just merely words.
It is hard to believe it has been that long since that devastating day but the memories and pain are still so fresh in my mind and heart. A couple years ago on the anniversary I wrote the passage below. It seems fitting today as well:
“Certainly, September 11, 2001 will be remembered as one of the saddest days in our history but it is my sincerest wish that it will also be remembered as one of this country’s proudest. We stood together then, as the truly United States of America.
“Perhaps now, when we seem so divided, it would be wise to step back and remember how on that day and the immediate days that follow, we were not left, not right, not black, not white. We were Americans. Indeed, we still are. Remember that and honor the fallen.”