Burrowing Owl gets serious

Burrowing Owl gets serious

A male Burrowing Owl casts a serious gaze near Denver International Airport. (© Tony’s Takes)
A male Burrowing Owl casts a serious gaze near Denver International Airport. (© Tony’s Takes)

Going back to the beginning of July for this image of a male Burrowing Owl near Denver International Airport. It seemed pretty clear the guy didn’t really appreciate having a camera pointed at him. 😉

A friend had turned me onto a spot that had a number of families of these cool little dudes hanging out and while I didn’t get to spend much time with them, I did have fun when I did.

In Colorado, Burrowing Owls are here during the spring and summer. By now, most, if not all, have started their migration south to warmer environs for the winter. I will be anxiously awaiting their return.

This image is available here.

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