“Can you hear me now?”

“Can you hear me now?”
An elk bull bugles toward a cow in Rocky Mountain National Park. (© Tony’s Takes)

A handsome elk bull bugles toward a cow for Wapiti Wednesday. I don’t know for sure but I don’t expect yelling at a perspective mate is the way to win her heart. 😉 

This big guy was actually not having a particularly good morning. He had a harem of about 10 cows but found himself with competitors to each side, both with bigger harems. One by one, the cows began deserting him and as they did, he did little more than bugle, never really trying to round them up and never challenging the other bulls directly.

Of course there is sure to be a lot of back and forth like that during the rut so perhaps tomorrow will be a better day for him.

This was a pretty long shot so I used the crop mode on my Canon EOSR5 to help bring the action “closer” and am pretty pleased with the result.

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