Canada goose silhouetted at sunset

Photo opportunities just present themselves and the subjects oftentimes aren’t what you are looking for. Such was the case with this image.

I was at Metzger Farm in Broomfield, Colorado take pictures of a blue heron rookery.  Unfortunately the images of the herons I took were underwhelming but sunset provided other opportunities.

While taking pictures of the gorgeous sunset to the west, this Canada goose came swimming across the rippled surface of a pond.  It was perfectly backlit and the water was reflecting the orange sky above.

Canada goose silhouetted at sunset. (© Tony’s Takes)
Canada goose silhouetted at sunset. (© Tony’s Takes)

Photos © Tony’s Takes. Images are available for purchase as a print or for digital use. Please don’t steal, my prices aren’t particularly expensive. For more information contact me here.

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