Curious young moose perks up for its portrait

Curious young moose perks up for its portrait
A moose yearling peers out from its hiding place in Park County, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

I headed to the Colorado high country yesterday in hopes of photographing some moose in the snow. It was somewhat successful yielding a total of ten spotted, four bulls and three sets of cows and calves. Most were, unfortunately, not particularly cooperative for pictures but this one was kind enough to give me some nice shots.

While it and its mom were right near the road, they were on the opposite side of a thick stand of willows and I likely wouldn’t have spotted them if mom hadn’t craned her neck up to grab some grub from the top. She soon laid down but her offspring wasn’t ready for nap time and posed quite nicely. Soon it will be celebrating its first birthday and already it is almost as tall as I am.

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