Eagle eye through the wing

Eagle eye through the wing

A bald eagle's eye is visible between the feathers of its wing as it takes flight in Adams County, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A bald eagle’s eye is visible between the feathers of its wing as it takes flight in Adams County, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

Normally this type of wing position would yield a shot that goes to the trash can but this one is a bit different. As this male bald eagle took to the skies this past weekend, its eye is seen perfectly between the feathers making for a fun capture.

I had spent four hours sitting at this nest and activity was pretty light – and very boring. Suddenly, dad started making a bit ruckus and was focused on something out of my field of view to the north. Whatever it was, he decided it warranted action and launched into the sky, giving me the only flight shots of the day including this one.

Random… Bald eagles are said to have 20/5 vision. What does that mean? If you had that good of eyesight, you’d be able to pick out an ant on the ground from the roof of a 10 story building or a rabbit from three miles away. Wow!

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