Fast moving falcon flight

Prairie Falcons are some pretty darned cool birds to watch although they can be hard to find as they aren’t all that common.  Getting pictures of them is even better but they can be skittish and fly very fast and low to the ground all while showcasing their extraordinarily high maneuverability.

This past Sunday I happened across one sitting out in a field a good ways off.  I hopped out of my truck to snap a few pictures and much to my pleasure, when it took to the air it flew closer to me and gave me a nice little flyby.  These are some of the best flight pictures of these fast moving #raptors I have ever gotten.

Taken in rural Adams County, Colorado, USA.

Scroll down below the main image for the rest of the series.

A Prairie Falcon does a high-speed flyby on the plains of Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Prairie Falcon does a high-speed flyby on the plains of Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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