Ferruginous Hawk puts on an airshow

The amazing coloring and plumage of this raptor is really highlighted when against clear, blue skies. Fresh snow cover on the ground helped to reflect the sun from below and illuminate the underside as it took flight over me.

I was observing the hawk and managed a series of captures as it took flight, this being one of them. I just love everything about these hawks – their plumage, their ‘joker’ smile, and of course those talons.

Ferruginous Hawks are the largest buteos in North America and from a distance, their size and profile may have them mistaken for eagles. While they can be found here in Colorado year-round, they are most common during the winter months.

Taken in Adams County, Colorado.

Ferruginous Hawk takes flight in Adams County, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
Ferruginous Hawk takes flight in Adams County, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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