I do not like Mondays!

A Ferruginous Hawk shows its disdain for the start of the workweek, a sentiment many of us likely would agree with. 😉

This image was actually taken a few months ago north of Denver International Airport. I came across this raptor perched on a pole and it did not appear to care too much for my presence. I love the look on its face and the blood on its head clearly indicates it had just finished a meal.

Ferruginous Hawks are the largest buteos in North America and from a distance, their size and profile may have them mistaken for eagles. While they can be found here in Colorado year-round, they are most common during the winter months.

A Ferruginous Hawk looks rather displeased while perched on a pole in Adams County, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Ferruginous Hawk looks rather displeased while perched on a pole in Adams County, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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