Golden Eagle on the hunt for Freedom Friday

I of course normally post pics of the ‘bald’ variety of this type of bird to close out the workweek but today I make an exception. I came across this gorgeous raptor and I had an absolutely amazing encounter with it that I want to share.

Initially perched on a pole soon after sunrise, after a little while it launched right toward me giving me some nice flight shots, including this one as it crested the hill between us.

The look of determination on its face, the golden light, the dried grass below and the blue sky above make for a pretty cool capture. I wish it had waited till the sun was up a bit more as my gear struggles in dim light and that shows in the pics but I won’t complain (too much).

Taken in Boulder County, Colorado.

A Golden Eagle flies above the grasses of the Colorado foothills in Boulder County. (© Tony’s Takes)
A Golden Eagle flies above the grasses of the Colorado foothills in Boulder County. (© Tony’s Takes)

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