Gutsy gull tells bald eagle, “Get off my lawn!”

It would appear this ring-billed gull is trying to horn in on the bald eagle’s Freedom Friday. 😉

Last month I spent a number of days photographing the bird action at a pond. It was beginning to thaw and in doing so, revealing a feast of frozen fish. The gulls and crows would work hard to dig the fish out of the slush and that drew the attention of area bald eagles.

As many as 10 of the massive raptors would hang out, just waiting for their opportunity. When the smaller birds would get a fish out, the eagles would swoop in and steal the meal.

It appeared this gull decided it had enough of having its hard work stolen and when a bald eagle did a flyby, it set off in pursuit, letting the thief know it wasn’t welcome. Definitely a gutsy gull!

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