If looks could kill

The bison at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal Wildlife Refuge provide an extraordinary photo opportunity not far from home for folks in the Denver area.  The large herd allows people to get quite close, oftentimes right outside their vehicle.

On this day I was taking photos of the herd when I noticed this bull watching me very closely.  The look was quite intense and definitely gave me an uneasy feeling.

When I got home and processed the image, it lacked the sharp focus it should have had due to camera operator error.  I didn’t want to lose the shot though and began playing around with some post-processing effects.

Softening the image a goof bit, increasing the contrast and brightening the backdrop helped cover my lack of proper focus and I believe added even more intensity to the icy stare of the bison, particularly with the glint of its eye.

January 25, 2013 - If looks could kill.  Bison at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge. (© Tony’s Takes)
January 25, 2013 – If looks could kill. Bison at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge. (© Tony’s Takes)

Photo © Tony’s Takes. Image is available for purchase as a print or for digital use. Please don’t steal, my prices aren’t particularly expensive. For more information contact me here.

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