Juvenile red-tailed hawk keeps watch from its home

A nestling red tailed hawk peers out over the edge of the nest. (© Tony's Takes)
A nestling red tailed hawk peers out over the edge of the nest. (© Tony’s Takes)

Look at that fuzzy head! Although I only got pics of one, I can confirm there were in fact at least two in there, possibly three. Dad and Mom kept watch nearby while the little ones spent a nice, late spring morning just hanging out. They are certainly cute although I don’t know that they would win any beauty contests at this stage. ? Taken in the middle of suburbia, it is always nice to see wildlife thrive despite human encroachment on their historical territory.

Photos from Tony’s Takes Photography’s post
A nestling red tailed hawk peers out over the edge of the nest. (© Tony’s Takes)
A nestling red tailed hawk peers out over the edge of the nest. (© Tony's Takes)
A nestling red tailed hawk peers out over the edge of the nest. (© Tony’s Takes)
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