Keeping an eye on the sky while in flight

Such a beautiful lady, eh? This female Bald Eagle has become a local resident as she and her mate have established a home along the South Platte River not far from where I live. I took this picture in mid-February as the pair did some home repair and got things ready for a new arrival (or two or three).

Soon after she began sitting on the nest, presumably incubating eggs. When I checked on her earlier this week, she was still sitting on there but by now there should be at least one eaglet beneath her. Dad was nearby perched on a tree overlooking river. Unfortunately, I didn’t have a lot of time to hang around but will definitely be paying another visit soon.

A female Bald Eagle keeps close watch on the skies above her as she soars along the South Platte River.  (© Tony’s Takes)
A female Bald Eagle keeps close watch on the skies above her as she soars along the South Platte River. (© Tony’s Takes)

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