Long eared owl keeping watch while in the thick of things

Long eared owl keeping watch while in the thick of things
A long eared owl keeps close watch from its hiding place on the Colorado plains. (© Tony’s Takes)

Looking for something “different” from my recent photo subjects, I am jumping back to March for this capture.

The long-eared owls at this spot on Colorado’s northeastern plains are always a highlight for me, even if they require an extraordinary amount of time and effort to get pictures of.

On this morning, I spotted a few in this dense stand of Russian olive trees. Getting a clear shot of them though was an entirely different matter. I only managed a few and this is one of them.

The magpies in the area had also found them and the little black birds were not too keen to have the owls in the area. They made quite a racket in their effort to get the owl to leave and that in turn put it on high alert. This shot does give you a nice look at those deadly talons, something you don’t normally get to see.

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