Mama bald eagle lays in the nest, incubation underway!

Mama bald eagle lays in the nest, incubation underway!
A female bald eagle sits dutifully on her nest and, presumably, on eggs. (© Tony’s Takes)

Not a great pic or any action but I wanted to drop this here for documentation purposes.

I recently checked on my favorite pair of bald eagles and was happy to see mom is dutifully sitting in the nest. Incubation most likely began around February 16th so that would put the first hatch about March 23rd (35 day incubation for bald eagles).

One concern I do have is that, surprisingly enough, a second pair of bald eagles has established a nest less than a mile away from this one. It is a rarity to have two in such close proximity. As long as the neighbors behave, all will be okay, but bald eagles can be very territorial during nesting and that could be an issue.

Two years ago this nest failed when a “third wheel” bald eagle constantly harassed the pair. I definitely do not want a repeat of that.

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