“Mom! Mom! Mom! Are you awake, mom?”

“Mom! Mom! Mom! Are you awake, mom?”
A badger cub tries to get its mother to play. (© Tony’s Takes)

I suspect a lot of parents, two-legged and four-legged, can feel this badger sow’s pain. Children can be a handful and oftentimes ruin the most peaceful of moments. Such was the case here.

Mom had just emerged from the den and was in no rush to wake up entirely. The cub, however, had other ideas, incessantly pestering its mother to play with it.

When mom continued to ignore the cub and put its head down to rest, the little one got even more aggressive in its attempts, grabbing mom with its claw and chewing on mom’s ear. It was hilarious to watch but I did feel a bit sorry for her. 😉

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