Mountain Goat kid in the early morning sun

With spring here I have been thinking about these cool animals and how much I am looking forward to photographing them again.  Unfortunately that will have to wait as the road to where they reside at the top of the 14,265 foot high Mount Evans will remain closed until the end of May due to snow.

Mountain Goats are actually considered an invasive species here in Colorado as they are not native to the Centennial State having been brought here in the early 20th century as a tourist attraction.  Unfortunately Mountain Goats can carry diseases which are deadly to our state’s official animal, the Big Horn Sheep.  When the goats roam into sheep territory, they are often killed to prevent them from infecting the sheep.

Mountain Goat kid in the early morning sun.  (© Tony’s Takes)
Mountain Goat kid in the early morning sun.  (© Tony’s Takes)

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