As we finally start the slow climb out of winter and begin to see temperatures rise, my mind is wandering and jumping ahead to late spring and summer above timberline.
One of the highlights is always a visit with the mountain goat herd on Mount Evans. They are awesome creatures and tons of fun to watch but, of course, it is the little ones that steal the show.
Oftentimes they are bounding around acting like “kids” but they do occasionally take a break, as was the case when this picture was taken on July 4, 2019. With its mom grazing nearby, this little one laid down and rested, looking quite cute as it looked at me.
Last year, the mountain was kept closed due to COVID in what was, in my opinion, a questionable decision. Hopefully this year the National Forest Service will allow visitors again and I can get in some much-needed time with these high-altitude residents.