Mule Deer fawn plays hide and seek

I happened across this little one, its mom and its twin while hiking on Saturday afternoon. While mama was more than willing to pose for pictures, the young ones were far more cautious and opted to stay hidden most of the time. They proved to be quite adept and keeping themselves out of view but I did manage a few captures including this one when one of them was looking right at me and framed by the trees.

Mule Deer are quite common across the western half of North America and can be found everywhere from the mountains to the plains. This family opted for a high altitude residence at about 10,000 feet in Roosevelt National Forest, Colorado.

A Mule Deer fawn keeps watch from its concealed position in the forest.  (© Tony’s Takes)
A Mule Deer fawn keeps watch from its concealed position in the forest. (© Tony’s Takes)

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