“My what a big truck you have!”

I’m not sure who was more surprised by the close proximity I and this Burrowing Owl found ourselves in – me or the owl.

I was taking pictures of him and his mate at their burrow about 20 yards away when suddenly he decided to fly closer and landed not 15 feet away, right outside my truck window. He seemed pretty surprised at my presence although I had been sitting there for an hour.

This pair has become quite famous due to their easily accessed location and they always seem to put on a show. It shouldn’t be long before the female retreats to the burrow with eggs and then in a month or so little ones will arrive if all goes well.

For more pics of these cool little owls, see here.

A male Burrowing Owl seems a bit surprised at the presence of a photographer. (© Tony’s Takes)
A male Burrowing Owl seems a bit surprised at the presence of a photographer. (© Tony’s Takes)

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