Safe at second base!

😉 Mama Burrowing Owl flies and slides in at the burrow.

The lady here caught me – and her mate – a bit by surprise. I was photographing him as he was just standing there looking at me and I had assumed she was down in the burrow keeping her eggs warm.

Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I see motion and instinctively start clicking the shutter. I only managed two captures of her as she came flying in fast and hot. Judging by the look in her eyes, she was well aware I was there too.

Perhaps these little guys are baseball fans?

A female Burrowing Owl flies in for a landing at its burrow while its mate looks on.  (© Tony’s Takes)
A female Burrowing Owl flies in for a landing at its burrow while its mate looks on. (© Tony’s Takes)

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