Portrait of a Bighorn ram

One of the senior members of a herd of these powerful creatures southwest of Denver. You can just tell from those worn, beaten and cracked horns that this big guy has seen his share of battles and I would bet won most of them.

The Bighorn Sheep is the Centennial State’s official animal and to me that is quite fitting. Just like the terrain and many of its people, these animals are very rugged, strong and tough. The animal is found in many places in the state’s high country.

Diseases from European livestock and overhunting had caused the animal’s population to drop precipitously by the early 1900s. Thankfully conservation efforts have been successful in helping the sheep rebound since then.

Closeup portrait of a Bighorn Sheep ram. (© Tony’s Takes)
Closeup portrait of a Bighorn Sheep ram. (© Tony’s Takes)

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