Pretty Pronghorn flirts, poses for pictures

Okay, I am flattering myself. She really just had an itch. 😉

I had to go to Cheyenne, Wyoming for work today and on the way back I came across a herd of 17 of these cool creatures in Larimer County, Colorado. They kept their distance so my pictures didn’t come out as good as I would have liked but at least they didn’t turn tail and run like they usually do.

Pronghorn are the fastest land animal in the Western Hemisphere and second in the world only to the Cheetah. They can sprint at speeds up to 60mph and run for extraordinarily long distances at slower speeds.

A very pretty Pronghorn doe scratches herself in Larimer County, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A very pretty Pronghorn doe scratches herself in Larimer County, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

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