Red fox leaps head on through the grass

Red fox leaps head on through the grass
A red fox leaps into the air as it begins to run. (© Tony’s Takes)

Umm. Yeah. This happened! I decided I couldn’t want for Fox Friday to share this crazy cool capture so here it is a couple days early.

While exploring an open space, I spotted this gorgeous fox as it patrolled the area. It disappeared over a hill but I suspected it was just over the crest. Crouching down, I slowly and quietly followed and as I neared the top, I spotted it standing there, surveying its domain. It was completely unaware of my presence as I snapped some initial images of it posing.

Suddenly, it decided it was time to move and much to my surprise, it bounded right at me! This is when I resort to the ‘spray and pray’ method of photography – squeeze the trigger, try to stay on the target and hope like heck you get the shot.

Well, I did! The fox made two bounds through the grass toward me and then it finally spotted me. At that point, it put the brakes on, made a fast turn and headed off, no doubt as surprised as I was at the encounter. In the end, I captured what is probably my best fox action shot to date and walked away with a huge grin on my face.

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