Red fox vixen prepares to retire for the night

Red fox vixen prepares to retire for the night

A red fox vixen keeps watch from behind some trees in Thornton, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)
A red fox vixen keeps watch from behind some trees in Thornton, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

One for Fox Friday going back to June and a visit with my local fox family.

It had been a fantastic evening watching the four kits play and mom keeping watch over all the action. As the sun set, the kits retreated to the den and mom enjoyed some downtime. She came up to the sidewalk and sat not 30 feet away from me – her seemingly as interested in me as I was in her.

It was one of those way cool moments we sometimes get with wildlife. With the sun below the horizon, she headed off to join the family, casting a last look at me.

I kind of like this shot. The framing of the hanging leaves help to convey the wariness she had toward me.

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