Who is watching who?

Who is watching who?

A red fox peers out from its hiding place in Thornton, Colorado. (© Tony's Takes)
A red fox peers out from its hiding place in Thornton, Colorado. (© Tony’s Takes)

A fresh fox for #FoxFriday.

Last week I received a tip on a couple of foxes hanging out at an open space not far from my home. After work I went by to check it out and initially saw nothing – just a big pile of logs.

I circled around the debris slowly but wasn’t seeing anything. Then, in the shadows under a big log… There it is! This fox had found itself a cool spot in the shade and was calmly watching me.

Once it knew it had been spotted, it hopped out of its hiding place giving me some more pictures. I didn’t want to stress the animal so I started hiking out and actually found another fox, not 25 yards away.

I have since returned five or six times but I have not seen them again so I am guessing they moved on. Some kids that have started building a “fort” in a nearby stand of trees and on my visits they have been blaring music and making a big ruckus so the foxes likely sought out a quieter home.

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