Young bull moose strikes a pose in the snow

Young bull moose strikes a pose in the snow

A young bull moose strikes a pose in Colorado's high country. (© Tony’s Takes)
A young bull moose strikes a pose in Colorado’s high country. (© Tony’s Takes)

Here’s a fresh one for you taken just yesterday and in time for #MooseMonday!

A friend tipped me off to some moose that had been hanging out on a high pass in central Colorado. That of course required investigation so I hit the road before the sun was up and arrived just as it was popping over the horizon.

We spotted at least six different moose, two of which were kind enough to be close enough for pics. This young, handsome fellow was quite willing to pose and give us a bunch of photo ops as he searched for food on the snow-covered landscape.

It is pretty slim-pickings for food up there this time of year and the weather can’t be easy to deal with but these guys are built for it, certainly better than I!

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